Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Beyond Method #1: Dust Off that Blog

my first lolcat - in ur blog

Isn't it wonderful when you paid to do the things you love? Just glancing ahead at some of the things "Beyond Two Steppin'" covers, it looks like I'll be dabbling in multimedia and Web 2.0 tools. (Which is awesome, because if it really had anything to do with two-stepping or anything to do with dancing at all, I'd be in big trouble!) This is the stuff I got to do in library school, and this is the sort of stuff I hope to continue to do as a professional librarian.

Blogging isn't new to me; I've blogging for fun since 2003 and, since coming to Moore Memorial Public Library earlier this year, have been blogging for work as well. Score! I most recently wrote about my take on the fabulously macabre YA book The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey. I love blogging because it gives me an outlet to write and a way to easily combine my words with images and video.

I feel like blogs can serve as useful tools in the library and information science world as a way of both reaching patrons and the larger community. But my co-worker Labrariman makes a valid point, that "A good deal of people just aren't that into blogs and don't want to read them." On the one hand, just because a tool exists does not mean we should use it for the sake of using it. On the other hand, it can take a while for people to adapt to new things, including new forms of communication. Some may never adapt and others may choose alternate communication methods. But free tools like Tumblr and Blogger make it easy to at least test the waters and see what works. If they doesn't work, we regroup and reevaluate.

Photo by Joyce Rhiannon available through a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license.

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